Tuesday, November 26, 2013

Abuse of women

Women,The most powerful & kind creature on earth.doubt? just have a look around.You will see a mother doing all home works,she is women.See your sister giving you a glass of water after all you are so tired to take a glass of water for your self.she is women too.your wife,your partner of happy and sad moments.she is women too.I can even mention some of the greatest personalities who are women and they have done remarkable work in all of the fields.Women now a days are not less than a man in any work.But my topic isn't the women's power.
              Actually the topic on which I have a thought to write is the abuse of women.Whenever we think of this word we think of so many abuses like rape,child marriage etc.It seems like the women is less powerful sometimes.But no not at all.she can do all she want but sometimes her fault is"Trust". she trust everyone around and treat kindly. In rural areas the man is thought to be superior to women.They have learned that whatever man do,man says is right & there they create a criminal who think he's the superior he can do all he want and the women is like a doll to him.he can play,break,tear it up or else no one will ever object to him in any case & later we regret that why our children are going on a wrong path but what's the use to cry over a spilled milk? we all know what the problem is but ever thought of the solution? solution is just so easy.Try to respect the women around you.she's not your mother,sister or else but she may be of someone else.

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